The Price of Preserving History

Historic homes dot the landscape like shells along the beach--standing out among neighboring houses because of their unique look and feel. There is just something special about them!

Despite the substance they add to a neighborhood, however, your historic home can be a costly investment. Giving history a makeover is no easy -- nor cheap -- task, but remodeling the right way will save you time and money in the long run.

Where do you begin? Here are some practical things you should know as you begin remodeling your historic home.

Expect the Unexpected

Remodeling an older home, especially one with historic designation and significance, is a unique task that requires a lot of flexibility on your part.

As some New England homes are upwards of 200 years old, expect the unexpected as you endeavor into the remodeling process! Going into your remodel with an open mind will be extremely beneficial. Flexibility is key to success in your next remodel.   

Plan & Prioritize

Before ever picking up a hammer, you will want to develop a plan for what you will and will not be changing about your home.

Do you want to keep the floors? Replace the windows? Install new doors? These are among some of the valuable questions you'll want to answer as you begin. With historic homes, even the smallest of alterations has a big effect on the look and feel your house will take on.  

Value History

Understanding the story of your home, such as when it was originally built, who lived there, and its place in your community is a helpful piece of a prospective remodel because historic homes have unique, often mysterious personalities.  This is also helpful if your home has historic designation, as you may have to get additional permission from municipal authorities before proceeding.

Ready, Set, Remodel!

Don't let history repeat itself with your home remodel. Being knowledgeble and prepared can make your experience fun--as well as successful. If in doubt, also check our out five steps to your next remodel. Historic homes are not a stranger to faulty construction and ill-conceived planning, but you don't have to continue the trend! By keeping an open mind and being flexible, planning out your process, and appreciating the value and significance of your home, you will be poised to write a new chapter of history.